
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Captivate my thoughts

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete." -2 Corinthians 10:5-6

As many of you know, I will begin my journey to Gulu, Uganda in the morning. My first flight will leave at 12:30 from Atlanta, and I will not offically arrive in Gulu until friday afternoon. My thoughts going through the final preparation and time at home are very centered around this verse. As I am thinking about how long a month really is and thinking about the things, family, and friends I am leaving behind, I am focusing and seeking God to speak to me through this verse in particular. I am desperately asking the Lord to captivate (I love the power and boldness in that word) my thoughts and redirect all doubt and worry back to him. Although there is worry and nervousness filling my thoughts tonight, I am meditating on this verse to allow myself to see the bigger picture. I am realizing that a month is a long time, but it is so short in the actual span of my entire life. I am also realizing that the people who have invested time, love, and energy into my life and particularly my faith have gotten me to this point right here. There is no where else that I would rather be than in Gulu, Uganda for July of 2013. 

The journey will be a long one, but I ask for prayers of support and prayers for safe travels through the next couple of days. Once I arrive in Uganda we will be spending the night in Entebbe, then driving 7 hours north to Gulu. Currently, prayers of travel and prayers for strength is all I need. I will be sure to update again whenever I arrive in Gulu. I am absolutely so grateful for the people who got me to this point and made this trip happen. Thank you for the prayers, donations, love, and encouraging words. 


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